Talk Boost KS2

Available through our Speech and Language UK licensed tutor

Available through our Speech and Language UK licensed tutor, Jacky Wragg, at Eastern Partnership UK (SEND)

Date: Tuesday 11th June 2024 9.15 a.m. - 11.45 a.m.

Cost: £50 + VAT per practitioner

Register by clicking on the booking button at the bottom of this page

What is Talk Boost KS2?

Talk Boost KS2 is a targeted intervention aimed at children, aged 7-10, who need help with talking and understanding words and/or need help to boost their language skills to narrow the gaps between them and their peers.

Talk Boost KS2 aims to accelerate a child’s progress in language and communication during the 8-week programme.

Talk Boost KS2 is delivered in primary schools by Classroom Teachers and Teaching Assistants.

Children, who are selected to take part in Talk Boost KS2, will attend three sessions per week, each lasting 30-40 minutes delivered by a Teaching Assistant. The activities, in the session, cover key elements of language and communications including listening carefully, learning new words, telling stories, working with others, making friends, and having conversations.

In addition, the Class Teacher will run a weekly whole-class activity. There are also activities that can be practised at home.

We want to deliver Talk Boost KS2. What are our next steps?

There are two parts to Talk Boost KS2:

1.     Attend Talk Boost KS2 training with a licensed tutor.

2.     Purchase the Talk Boost KS2 Intervention Pack.

1.     Talk Boost KS2 Training

Talk Boost KS2 training is delivered by a licensed tutor.

The training is suitable for Class Teachers and Teaching Assistants working in Years Three to Six.

N.B. It is ideal if staff can attend the training in Class Teacher / TA pairs as delivery of the intervention involves

them working together.

As part of this training, you will learn:

  • Theory behind Talk Boost KS2

  • Development of speech, language, and communication skills

  • Types of speech, language and communication need and the impact it has on a child’s wider development.

  • Layout and structure of the intervention

  • Approach to implementing the intervention, including how to:

o   Identify the children who will benefit from Talk Boost KS2

o   Deliver the intervention

o   Monitor and track progress

o   Involve parents in supporting their child’s language development

Once completed, no further training is required to deliver the intervention. The intervention can be delivered multiple times to new groups of children in the setting.

On successful completion of the training, the licensed tutor will provide details on how participants can access a certificate of attendance from Speech and Language UK.


2.   Talk Boost KS2 Intervention Pack

The Talk Boost KS2 Intervention Pack can be purchased from Speech and Language UK. It is a one-off purchase and can be used for all future interventions.



How to register

Click on the button below to book your place on Talk Boost KS2