Information Centre

The Eastern Partnership UK (SEND) Information Centre is a hub providing you with the latest resources, policy updates and news within the education sector.

The resources within the Information Centre are suitable for those who lead on the development of practice for pupils with SEND in schools/settings as SENCOs or in other roles. It is also valuable to other educational professionals who have an interest in SEND as well as senior leaders who are wanting to access information to help shape school development.

The Information Centre is made up of six categories - National Information, Regional Information, International Information, Big Ideas, Research and Resources.

National Information

Information in this section is designed to focus on national developments within the field of SEND as well as the all-important developments within the wider educational context. We aim to keep you up-to-date with changes, initiatives and consultations from key organisations including the DfE and Ofsted.

Regional Information

This section contains information, resources and latest SEND news from local areas across the 10 DfE regions in England.

International Information

For professionals leading on SEND beyond England, this section contains information and links to the local practices in whatever way they can be sourced.

Big Ideas

Any idea that makes a positive impact on children and young people with SEND is a ‘big idea’. This section highlights new learning and the innovative ways we can all have a positive impact in our schools and settings.


Making time for reading and research is a ‘big ask’ amidst our busy lives. The articles and ‘headline’ information in this section are aimed at providing support for your current practice as well as providing ideas to challenge assumptions and view-points in order to create new ways of thinking.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health

Cognition and Learning

Communication and Interaction

Physical and Sensory



In this section, you will find key documents relating to the wider educational context as well as to SEND, as well as a range of practical resources for use in the classroom.

Key Documents

Practical Resources