A leading national provider of SEND and leadership training

including NPQ for SENCOs!

What we do


The Eastern Partnership UK (SEND) provides SEND professionals across the country with a suite of training programmes. These include the NPQ for SENCOs registration for which is now open. This qualification provides an optional pathway to the SENCO Masters Suite accredited by the University of Bolton - details coming soon!

Advanced SENCO Award: details coming soon

SENCO Masters Route: details coming soon

Talk Boost

Talk Boost is age-related evidence-based targeted intervention aimed at children who need help with talking and understanding words and / or need help to boost their language skills to narrow the gaps between them and their peers. A licensed Speech and Language UK tutor delivers the training through Eastern Partnership.

Early Talk Boost

Talk Boost KS1

Talk Boost - bespoke

Talk Boost KS2

Level 3 & 4 Programmes

The Eastern Partnership UK (SEND) offers a wide range of accredited training at Level 3 and 4 to support practitioners working with children and young people with SEND.

Level 3 Certificate for SENCOs in Early Years (PVI sector)

Level 4 Award in Supporting Children & Young People with Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)

Level 3 Award in Supporting Children & Young People with Autism

Level 4 Award in Supporting Children & Young People with Social, Emotional & Mental Health Needs (SEMH)


The aptGO is an innovative audit and planning school improvement tool focusing on special educational needs and disability. The aptGO is reviewed regularly and amended to reflect any changes or updates to the Ofsted inspection framework. A version of the aptGO created for Early Years settings is coming soon!



Early Years aptGO

The Eastern Partnership UK (SEND) Information Centre

The Eastern Partnership UK (SEND) Information Centre is a hub containing a variety of the latest resources, tools and news within the education sector to help you excel in your practice. Everything within the Information Centre is freely available, and you can sign up for our free weekly newsletter to receive the latest content directly to your inbox.